Quest Magazine


July -September 2013

"Quest Magazine Feature Interview" Sis. B.J. Wilkerson

QM: A remarkable woman of God setting the hearts of saints on fire with her music.  Anointed by God to play the guitar and has been doing so since the age of eight.  She plays willingly for churches, banquets, special programs...when and wherever  God leads.  Lovingly known as "Sister B.J."  When you say her name, people know who you are talking about.  Her music can cause you to shout and put dancing in your feet by the power of the Holy Ghost filling your heart with the joy of the Lord!

Something about
Sister Betty J. (B.J.) Wilkerson




Sister Betty J. Wilkerson is one of eight children born to the late Brother and Sister Edward Lee Wilkerson Sr. of Temple, Texas.  Like her brothers and sisters before her, she was brought up in church and taught to live a life for Christ and to use her talents to the glory and honor of God.  At the age of eight, Sister B.J. began to take interest in the guitar.

Quest Magazine is a family focus publication and gives people the opportunity to honor their parents.  Sis. B.J. shares that she was inspired by her mother, who played the guitar as well.

QM: Do you play other musical instruments?

BJ: Yes, bass and piano (but very little).

QM: You have produced your first gospel CD. Share information about this CD and your inspiration in producing it.

BJ: Having been inspired by my mother to play the guitar, I decided to record some of her favorite songs instrumentally, in remembrance of her.  So I entitled the CD, "What Momma Likes." In 2012, I recorded and produced my second CD and there had been many requests for me to use my vocal talent as well, so I did.  The title of this CD is, "I Owe My Life."

QM: You perform for many events and churches.  Do you enjoy doing so and how can individuals contact you if they would like to book you for an event?

BJ: Yes, I enjoy it because my life's motto is "Spreading the Gospel Through Music."  Anything that I can do for the Lord, whether it is through playing my guitar, singing, or encouraging others to hold on, that is what I love to do.  I promised the Lord that I would use my talent for His glory!  I can be reached at Email:  Phone: (254)-899-0174

QM: Do you have favorite gospel songs or gospel singers and why are they your favorites?

BJ: Yes, Rosetta Tharpe, because she was a female guitarist and she was very encouraging for me to see her ambition.  I also enjoy listening to quartet music and old school gospel music.

QM: What is your personal inspiration?

BJ: I love to see the people of God praising him with me.  I just love it! To see the move of God! It is awesome!

QM: In your opinion, is there a message in gospel music and how important is it today?

BJ: In my opinion, salvation is the message of gospel music.  It is as important today as it was yesterday! Glory To God!